What makes a great leader? A million ideas may flood your mind when trying to conceptualize what makes a person not just a good leader, but a great leader. Your mind may go to the best boss you’ve ever had, or more likely the worst boss. Sometimes we learn what’s great by seeing, well… what isn’t.
Being a great leader within the manufacturing industry can be a daunting task for an individual to take on. Quite often you will be managing many different people with different personality types, all while keeping the company’s well-being a priority. It can be difficult to know where to start on your road to being a great leader.
Let’s not be too vague! A great leader has certain qualities and priorities that will allow the employees and the company to grow and thrive. These do not all have to come naturally to you. Being a great leader is like anything else in life, it takes time to learn and cultivate the best version of yourself. But there are steps you can take daily to make strides to where you want to be. Become the great leader you want to be.
Luckily, there are some basic strategies to follow that will uplevel the way you view being a great leader within your organization. The goal of this article is to give you strategies that you can take and start implementing immediately. No philosophical debates here.
What Makes a Great Leader
Let’s dig into what will make you a great leader and a manager people want to work for.
1. Leads by Example
It’s not a secret that employees that feel a part of a community and taken care of, do better work for their employers. The culture of an organization starts at the very top and trickles down to everyone within an organization. A great leader recognizes that they are responsible for how they show up and how that reflects on the company. Management often becomes the in-between for company communications and the employees.
This can be a huge responsibility because you must align your words and actions with what is best for the company. Being a great leader means setting a good example by not only talking the talk, but also walking the walk. Your employees will follow your lead, so make sure you’re headed where you want to go.
2. Prioritizes Safety
In the manufacturing industry, keeping employees safe is a top priority. Being a great leader means making sure that the working environment provided is as safe as it can be and that proper protocols are in place. Research shows that workers are more productive in workspaces that are committed to their safety and health.
Safety is always about employees first, but it also helps your business. By protecting employees, you reduce the need for extended absences, which makes the business more efficient and productive. There are fewer disruptions to your production, which in turn means more money for the company overall. A great leader knows the importance of safety and prioritizes it throughout the company culture.
3. Communicates Effectively
Effective communication is one of the most important parts of being a great leader. Communication is the foundation for all your relationships with the employees you manage. Being effective will help you to build trust and keep everyone on the same page. It is important to remember that communication is a two-way street and listening to employees can be just as vital as what you tell them.
Another part of effective communication is to set clear expectations and offer feedback frequently. This offers your employees a clear direction with goals, deadlines, and ways to measure progress. Being clear with expectations and helping employees reach their goals is not synonymous with micromanaging. A great leader sets expectations without being overbearing and listens to any concerns that may arise.
4. Is Approachable and Open Minded
Employees should feel safe coming to you with any concerns and know that the information they shared is safe and action will be taken. Being approachable helps you in the long run because it allows you to keep a pulse on how the system is running without having to oversee each individual thing. When employees trust you, they will keep you updated on what is going on within the team.
An employee may have ideas on how to streamline their work or make processes more effective and efficient. Being a great leader is hearing out these suggestions and implementing changes when it makes sense. Being open-minded can end up saving you time and money.
5. Is a Team Builder
A great leader is both a team leader and a team member. Being able to keep the viewpoint of the group and not being afraid to jump in when needed will earn you the respect and trust of your team. Keep employees in mind when making decisions that may affect them and advocate for them when needed.
Having your employees’ backs means that they will have yours. Take responsibility when mistakes are made from poor management choices. A great leader will put their ego aside for the betterment of the team. Also, when you are taking responsibility for your actions, your team members will do the same. Trust the people you have hired and give credit where credit is due.
6. Practices Resiliency
Being able to stay flexible and calm during challenging times is an underrated skill set for a great leader, but an invaluable one. You will not always be able to predict what is going to happen or when problems arise, but staying level and being able to make tough decisions will keep you resilient.
A great leader is proactive instead of reactive. Set yourself up for success so that resiliency comes naturally. You can have contingencies in place for different steps in the manufacturing processes, so you are never left with no backups. This allows you to bounce back quicker and to have more control of the situation. Taking the initiative early on will make it easier when unpredictable issues happen.
7. Isn’t Afraid to Act
Being a great leader is knowing when to take action to fix an issue. From a problem on the production line or an issue between employees, your ability to find the best solution to the problem will be an asset. Be honest with your commitments and follow through with action when something needs to be addressed. People will respect you because they know they can rely on you to get the job done and make things happen. A great leader is someone who takes strategic and effective action.
In Conclusion

Being a great leader in the manufacturing industry can be a challenging profession, but a rewarding one. Use these strategies to uplevel your management skills and become the most effective great leader that you can be. A growth mindset and a commitment to learning will get you far in your professional life.
Who is Conner?
Conner Industries has been a leading provider of industrial wood and packaging solutions for more than 40 years. We specialize in supplying cut lumber needed for pallets and transportation packaging, fully assembled custom pallets, crates, and integrated packaging. We serve manufacturing customers nationwide from our 14 locations, so you always have packaging solutions you can count on.