In the fast-paced world of manufacturing, where efficiency and productivity are paramount, the mental health of employees can often take a back seat. However, neglecting mental health can have serious consequences on both the workforce and the bottom line. As reported from the American Psychiatric Association, unresolved depression accounts for a 35% reduction in productivity and a loss of $210.5 billion a year to the US economy in the form of productivity loss, medical costs, and absenteeism.

As leaders in the industrial packaging industry, it’s crucial to recognize the importance of prioritizing mental health in the workplace and implement strategies to support employees’ well-being.

How Mental Health Can Affect Your Job

There is a strong connection between mental health and job performance. When people are happier and healthier, they are able to contribute more meaningfully to their job. When you feel good mentally and emotionally, you can handle challenges in a healthy, grounded, and efficient way.

The link between good mental health and job performance is very much connected. Businesses can avoid the consequences of ignoring this link by putting proactive measures in place.

Here are five negative impacts poor mental health can have in the workplace:

  1. Lack of motivation at work.
  2. Lower productivity and procrastination.
  3. Reduced ability to function normally.
  4. Higher turn-over rate.
  5. Poor decision making.

What Employers Can Do:

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Create a Culture of Openness and Support

  • Encourage open communication about mental health by destigmatizing conversations around it.
  • Provide training for managers and supervisors on how to recognize signs of mental distress and offer support to employees.
  • Foster a supportive environment where employees feel comfortable seeking help without fear of judgment or repercussions.

Implementing Work-Life Balance Initiatives

  • Promote work-life balance with scheduling consistency and PTO availability.
  • Encourage employees to take breaks and leave work to prevent burnout and recharge.
  • Lead by example by modeling healthy work-life balance behaviors and prioritizing your own mental well-being.

Providing Resources and Support Services

  • Offer access to mental health resources and support services in your benefits, such as counseling, therapy, and employee assistance programs (EAPs).
  • Partner with local mental health organizations or professionals to provide workshops, seminars, and resources on stress management, resilience, and mindfulness.
  • Ensure that employees are aware of the available resources and how to access them confidentially.

Promoting a Safe and Supportive Work Environment

  • Ensure that workplace policies and procedures prioritize employee safety, both physically and mentally.
  • Address any workplace stressors or hazards that may contribute to poor mental health. This can include things such as excessive workload, unrealistic deadlines, or inadequate resources.
  • Foster a sense of camaraderie and teamwork among employees to create a supportive work environment where everyone feels valued and respected.

Regularly Assessing and Monitoring Mental Health Initiatives

  • Implement regular surveys or assessments to gauge employee satisfaction and well-being and use the feedback to refine and improve mental health initiatives.
  • Monitor key indicators of mental health, such as absenteeism, turnover rates, and productivity, to measure the effectiveness of implemented strategies.
  • Stay informed about current research and best practices in mental health management to continuously adapt and evolve your approach.

What Employees Can Do:

Take Advantage of Company Resources

Check out the resources that your company offers. Seek out therapy through your healthcare benefits if available to you. Check in with your HR department to make sure you know of all resources that are available to you.

Battle the Stigma

When appropriate, chat with other coworkers about your experience to reduce the stigma around mental health. You can also listen to others that want to talk about their experience.

Take Care of Yourself

Taking care of your physical body can be a big part of your mental health journey. Eating well, getting enough sleep, and finding coping tools are all essential in keeping your mental health in a good state.

Reimagining Mental Health in the Workplace

Prioritizing mental health in the workplace is not only the right thing to do for your employees’ well-being but also essential for maintaining a healthy and productive workforce in the manufacturing industry. By implementing these strategies and fostering a culture of support and understanding, leaders can create a workplace where employees feel valued, respected, and empowered to prioritize their mental health. Together, we can build a healthier and more resilient workforce for the future of manufacturing.
