Proper pallet handling can make a difference in the efficacy and durability of your wood packaging. Pallet handling is a critical part of warehouse management, ensuring the safe and efficient movement of your products. It can have a direct impact on every section of your supply chain and warehouse logistics. Pallet handling done the right way contributes to streamlined processes, less product damage, and ensures the safety of employees. In this article, we will dive into practices for proper pallet handling that will benefit you and your business.
10 Pallet Handling Do’s and Don’ts
1. Choosing the Right Pallet:
To perfect your pallet handling, first you need to figure out which pallet is the best fit for you. Wooden pallets make up about 90-95% of shipping pallets used today and are a popular choice amongst manufacturers. Wooden pallets are very strong, easily repairable, and relatively cheap compared to other materials.
After you decide which material would work best for you, you can work with a supplier to find out what dimensions you need. Proper pallet handling includes not overloading pallets because it can cause unseen damage that leads to pallet failure. Working with a design team can be beneficial so that you get a custom pallet made just for your specific needs. Any money spent on going the custom route can be made back through what you save on in-transit damage.
2. Proper Pallet Storage:
Storage is an important aspect of proper pallet handling. The correct storage conditions can extend the life of your pallets and reduce situations of pallet failure. Storing pallets inside is optimal because it will help to protect them from the elements. Moisture and pallets do not mix.
You can optimize your warehouse for easy pallet access and retrieval. Implementing a systematic pallet storage system can help you to keep track of the number of uses and condition of pallets. Pallet handling systems also protect employees because with a storage system in place, there is a smaller chance of pallets being stored unsafely.
3. Pallet Inspection and Maintenance:
Proper pallet handling is dependent on pallet inspection and maintenance. Having someone regularly inspects pallets for damage and normal wear and tear can extend the use you get out of your pallets. It can also help to identify issues early on and repair them before it leads to a bigger problem.
4. Weight Distribution and Loading Techniques:
Weight distribution and loading techniques are an integral part of proper pallet handling. If you have custom pallets, your supplier should be able to tell you the weight each one of them can hold. Otherwise, standard pallets hold about the same weight, upwards of 4,600 lbs. depending on other factors.
Each employee should have knowledge of what each pallet can hold and the best way to load products, so that weight is evenly distributed. Employees should be adequately trained to see when there is an imbalance or improper load, and the best way to fix it.

5. Efficient Pallet Handling Equipment:
Pallet handling equipment is another big factor in safety and efficiency. Employees will not be able to move full pallets on their own. Having equipment such as forklifts and pallet jacks that are frequently maintained and serviced is essential. Also, make sure employees that are using this equipment are trained and certified in proper usage and safety protocols.
6. Labeling and Tracking:
A labeling system makes for easy identification and smoother pallet handling in general. Label each pallet based on the pallet contents, so that employees have an easier time moving pallets and finding products. In the transportation industry tracking technology is becoming more and more common. You can adopt this technology to track your products in real time and get a more detailed view of your supply chain, including inventory levels.
7. Temperature and Environment Considerations:
Temperature and environmental conditions are an extension of appropriate pallet storage within your warehouse or business. In a perfect world, pallets shouldn’t be stored outside to keep the integrity of the wood. Additionally, controlling warehouse temperatures and conditions can help prevent any pallet deterioration.
8. Safety Protocols:
Proper pallet handling goes hand in hand with the safety of your employees. Establishing protocols that everyone is aware of and reminded of often is the best way to make an impact. This can be done by talking to employees in pre-shift meetings, posting safety posters, and conducting regular training on proper pallet handling. All these pallet handling actions can help to reduce workplace accidents and mistakes.
9. Pallet Recycling and Sustainability:
Customers in this day and age are more likely to ask about your sustainability efforts and if you are striving to be more of a “green” company. Recycling can be a beneficial part of your pallet handling efforts that shows your customers and collaborators that you are serious about sustainability. Wood pallets can be used many times, used as mulch, or turned into pellets. There are many options in how you recycle and actions you can take to be more eco-friendly with your pallet handling.
10. Communication and Collaboration:
Partnering with the right suppliers and partners is one of the most important aspects of pallet handling. You want to make sure you are working with a reliable and dependable supplier that is supplying the same quality consistently. They should be easy to communicate with and take any challenges you are facing seriously. Many pallet handling problems can be solved by working with the right supplier.
How Conner Can Help You
Conner Industries is a leading provider of industrial wood and packaging solutions, including custom and standard pallets. With over 40 years of experience and 17 locations nationwide, we are experts in the wood packaging industry and can help you solve any pallet handling challenges you may be facing. Pallet handling is made easy with the right partnerships. Contact us to see how we can make your life easier today!