Striving for a sustainable future is one of the most widely discussed topics when it comes to modern environmentalism. There is a lot of talk about how we can change our actions to better protect our future on the planet. With Earth Day right around the corner, we wanted to discuss how the lumber industry is striving for a sustainable future with good environmental stewardship.
Starting in 1970, Earth Day is celebrated on April 22nd every year to support and spark interest in environmental conservation for our planet. It is a day of action to change human behavior and create global, national, and local policy changes. This year’s theme is “Invest in Our Planet” with the intention of using action today to gain a more sustainable future tomorrow.
For the lumber industry, every day is Earth Day, and we are always looking at how to cultivate a more sustainable future. In previous years, the lumber industry has been seen as an industry that is not environmentally sustainable and has a damaging impact. That is simply not the case, a sustainable future is important.
The lumber industry has taken the initiative to practice good environmental stewardship and create a sustainable future for the whole industry. In this article, we will discuss the myths of the lumber industry, the steps that are currently being taken, and how the lumber and wood packaging industry is striving for a sustainable future.
Myths of the Lumber Industry
Destroys the Forest & Soil
This is one of the biggest myths correlated to the lumber industry, but a lot has changed since it originated. At one point in time, lumber was cut down at an unsustainable rate with no checks in place. But in 1891, the Forest Reserve Act was put into place and eventually became the national forest system that is in place today. We have a sustainable future because of laws like this.
Currently, lumber is harvested in a sustainable way that allows our forests to grow and thrive. In the last 50 years, the volume of American hardwoods has more than doubled because of these practices. The lumber industry has a vested interest in preventing deforestation to keep the supply chain healthy for a sustainable future. In the United States, lumber companies plant 33% more trees than they harvest each year. They are quite literally growing our sustainable future!
Lumber is Not Sustainable
Lumber is a renewable resource meaning that lumber can be used without fear of depleting it when following responsible harvesting guidelines. Renewable resources are virtually inexhaustible and can replenish themselves over time. They are sustainable, abundant, and replenishable when they are taken care of properly.
Wood has carbon capturing abilities that make it a net positive carbon emission resource. This means that the trees will absorb more carbon dioxide in their life than it takes to harvest, process, and manufacture them into products. The younger forests capture even more carbon dioxide than older forests, so replanting strategically can have a positive impact on the environment.
Wood Packaging Industry Just Kills Trees
As stated in the previous myths, the lumber industry wants to keep forests growing and thriving for a sustainable future. With the federal guidelines in place, lumber is harvested and sold responsibly for the vast majority. There are over 5 million trees planted each day in the United States!
If you want to do your part, look for a reliable lumber supplier that adheres to the FSI and FSC policies and guidelines. This guarantees that wood was harvested responsibly and did not harm the ecosystems that we rely on for a sustainable future.
Wood is Not an Environmentally Friendly Manufacturing Material
The wood packaging industry uses a lot of lumber to keep production lines and products moving all across the country. Wood packaging, such as pallets and crates, are an essential part of every manufacturing industry. Creating a sustainable future is important to everyone involved.
Wood packaging is way more sustainable than the plastics and metals that are used in manufacturing. For instance, 95% of all pallets are recycled multiple times before recycling into other materials or going to a landfill. If they are not recycled completely, they will spend much less time in the landfill because they are biodegradable. Wooden materials are sustainable and make a less negative impact compared to other materials commonly used. Using wood packaging helps to create a sustainable future.
Good Stewardship in Action for a Sustainable Future
For the wood packaging part of the lumber industry, sustainable packaging means creating a more sustainable future. There are multiple ways that we do our part. An example of this is designing the perfect packaging for your products that uses as little wood, metal, or plastics as possible, while still maintaining its integrity. Being strategic about resources not only keeps your costs low but also takes care of the environment for a sustainable future.
Also, by optimizing packaging and the space used on trucks for transportation, we use fewer trucks and reduce our fossil fuel usage. There are many ways that we are always striving for a sustainable future.

Conner’s Commitment
Conner Industries has a commitment to using sustainability policies, principles, and goals to create a sustainable future within our company and the industry as a whole. We use these policies to make sure that we are in alignment with our ethical business practices that support this goal of a sustainable future. We are dedicated to working with our customers to make the best sustainable packaging design for their needs. We are always on the lookout for new materials and advancements in our industry.
We have the goal of reaching a 30% reduction in energy usage by 2030 and improving fiber utilization by 30% within the next ten years. As a leader within this industry, we want to lead the way in making strides towards greener processes. We aim to create efficient and sustainable packaging solutions that solve any issues our customers may be facing. We are creating a sustainable future with our customers in mind.
This Earth Day, we are committed as ever to reducing our environmental impact while maintaining product quality for our customers. You no longer have to choose between what is “right” and what is best. We can do both!